Reception 2024 - 2025
Mrs Flint
Welcome to Reception class page 2024 - 2025
Learning in Spring 1: Theme is: All Around Me! We will be learning about our school and the village.
PE is on Tuesday and your child should come in their PE kits to school. Trainers are recommended.
I will use the Reception class webpage to keep families informed with what's going on. Please do take the time to check this for regular weekly updates (News Items - below) about our learning in class, as well as notes and important dates for the coming week.
Families, there is a variety of ways for you to contact me. If you would like to get in touch, or find information, you could:
- Face-to-face:– pop in to see us either before or after school
- Drop a line:- write a note but please don't put any important notes into child’s planner (I only see this once a week)
- Telephone:- give us a ring on 01270 918940– best before/after school, or during lunchtime
- Website:- check out this our Reception class page (updated each weekend)
- E-mail:- contact me at (emails are checked regularly throughout the week)
- Newsletter: check the school newsletter online – you’ll find it on the homepage, uploaded each Friday
- Twitter: the school has a Twitter account - search for @goostreyprimary to see regular update
Words and sounds: These are as important as reading and going over these regulary several times a week just help develop fluency in reading. We have done all words in class and do so every morning during phonics. We also write these during the phonic sessions.
Please make sure all items of clothing and water bottles are labeled.
Files to Download
Reception: News items
Newsletter 7.3.2025, by Mrs Schurer-Lewis
Reception class update Friday 7th March, by Mrs Flint
Reception class update week ending 28th February, by Mrs Flint
Reception: Display work items
There are no Display work items to display