Year 6 2024 - 2025

Mrs Timmins

Mrs Cowell

Welcome to our Year 6 class page.

We use our Year 6 class webpage to keep families informed with what's going on.  Please do take the time to check this for regular weekly updates about our learning in class, as well as notes and important dates for the coming week.  These can be found under the "News Items" link below. 

Where possible, we will share photographs of our activities which will be found by clicking the "Display Work Items" tab.  We may even upload some images of our work so that you can see what we are enjoying.

P.E. is always on a Friday afternoon - please ensure that pupils arrive in school wearing their PE kits on this day - thank you.

Families, there is a variety of ways for you to contact us.  If you would like to get in touch, or find information, you could:

  • Face-to-face:– pop in to see us either before or after school
  • Drop a line:- write a note, or put your questions into your child’s planner (don’t forget to ask your child to remember to show it to us)
  • Telephone:- give us a ring on 01270 918940 – best before/after school, or during lunchtime
  • Website:- check out the Year 6 class page on our website (updated each weekend)
  • E-mail:- contact us at or (emails are checked regularly throughout the week.
  • Goostrey Primary School respects the work life balance of its staff.  We welcome open and positive communication with all our families and always aim to reply to emails promptly and within two working days from receipt.
  • Newsletter: check the school newsletter online – you’ll find it on the homepage, uploaded each Friday
  • Twitter: the school has a Twitter account - search for @goostreyprimary

The academic year 2024 - 2025 is a really important milestone for our pupils who are enjoying lots of exciting events.  This includes tasks and activities with us at Goostrey, but also a key moment when they will be moving onto pastures new at their respective high schools.

We are very much looking foward to working with our families during your child's final year with us at Goostrey.

Thank you

Mrs. Timmins & Mrs. Cowell

Files to Download

Year 6: Display work items

07.03.25 - Photos, by Mrs Timmins

14.02.25, by Mrs Timmins

Year 6: Events items

There are no Events items to display