COVID-19 School Closure Announcement

Dear Families

As you are probably aware already, the Prime Minister has just announced that all schools are now closed.  Therefore Goostrey school will not be open tomorrow and it appears that the school closures will be until after February half term.  We are very saddened to send this email and will be in touch tomorrow with more information.

If you feel your child/ren are eligible for the key workers group, and wish to register for a place, please check your emails in the morning for further details.

All school staff will be in work tomorrow, either organising the key worker group or setting up remote learning.  We aim to have both these provisions in place for this Wednesday.

For those families entitled to Income Related Free School Meals, we are expecting  further information tomorrow regarding continued provision and how this will look and be delivered.

Once again, this is not how we wanted to be starting the school term, but look forward to seeing everybody back in school as soon as we are allowed.

Best wishes and please stay safe

Miss L Atkins and Mrs J Schurer-Lewis