Headteacher's Update - keeping in touch

Dear Parents,

I would like to begin by thanking you for all your messages of support and appreciation over the past few weeks.  Many of you have wanted to let me and the staff know how brilliant the remote learning has been and how you feel our team have gone above and beyond what you expected.  I am very proud of the staff and everything they have managed to achieve over the past few weeks.  We are now looking to the future and how we can adapt and improve even further.  Next week we are meeting with our IT consultant to look at video options.  Some staff have already been experimenting with videos but we now want to make this more uniform and follow one system to give other staff the opportunity, if they feel it is appropriate, to send recordings home to you.  The deputy and I sent a video, to all families of us reading a story to the children this week- we chose to read Wonky Donkey – this is a first for me as I’ve never really enjoyed being on camera, However, I desperately wanted to speak to the children and let them know we are thinking of them and we are here for when they return.  There will be Story time 2 next week.

Thank you for all the work you are doing with your children at home.  We know how stressful this can be and what challenges many of you have faced but through it all you’re doing a great job. We have amazing families and it is truly a privilege to lead the school your children attend.  Through all this school has never closed, we have been open every day including holidays and bank holidays.  We remain open and here to support you and to accommodate key workers and vulnerable children if needed. The staff are here to listen to your thoughts and ideas and appreciate the two-way dialogue between home and school even though it is a more remote format now.


Children I am so proud of all the work you have been doing and your engagement with the various activities and learning your teachers have sent you.  Well done to everyone who has helped with the scarecrow competition in the village – congratulations to the winners and thank you to the family who are donating their prize money to school.  TT Rockstars is going really well – children you are right up there in the league. Older children please keep going with Accelerated Reader and the quiz for each book.

There have been so many things over the past few weeks but I have thought of each year group and here are some examples of great, engaging learning – I can think of so many more as well.


Reception – your virtual grandparents’ picnic

Year 1 – Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

Year 2 – retelling a story and then sending in your videos reading it

Year 3 – Friday baking sessions

Year 4 – Extreme reading

Year 5 – Captain Tom Moore research and the NHS

Year 6 – PowerPoints on the class book The Good Thieves and science with satsumas!




School is now undergoing final preparations for the return of the three year groups. Team Reception on the 15th, Year 1 on the 22nd and Year 6 on the 29th.  Our key workers’ group is admitting more children in now as adults are moving back to the workplace.  We have a team dedicated to the key workers’ group and as with the other teams we are meeting over the next two weeks to refine and discuss the specific risk assessments for each group.  We know school will look and feel different when the pupils return, as they get used to being in their own group bubbles. Please be assured that we will do our best to make the children feel as safe and happy as possible – that is and always will be paramount.



It will not be compulsory for your child to attend and there will be no sanctions for non-attendance.  We will endeavour to follow all the guidelines and to take all the precautions we can to keep your child safe should you decide to send your child to school; however, we understand that you will want to make your own decision about what is best for your child under these circumstances and we will support and respect whatever you decide

We miss the children and all the staff want them back as soon as possible, as soon as it is safe to do so to protect the wellbeing of the children and adults.  As a Cheshire East school we will continue to follow the local authority’s advice and guidance about when the children should return. At Goostrey School our only consideration is the very best provision for all the children and adults in our small but wonderful school community.


When your children return, I know the space will be different and I know the way we work will be different. 

What won’t be different however will be the amazing team of staff that we have in our school. I have every confidence that they will continue to make Goostrey School a great place to learn.

Hoping you are all safe and well,


Miss Atkins