Looking Back and Forth 14.6.24

Y2 Friday 14th 2024 – Looking Back & Forth

Looking back:  What another busy week we have had. We have identified the features of an “invention narrative” in English, read pictograms in maths and identified the features of a castle in history. We have mixed colours in art and used compass points in geography.

Year 2 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • I have enjoyed learning about tally charts and pictograms.
  • I liked finding information in pictograms x4
  • I liked PE because we did jumping. X2
  • I liked playing football against the juniors at lunchtime x8
  • I enjoyed making different shades in art.
  • I liked RE and learning about mosques.
  • I enjoyed playing with Reception at lunch.
  • I liked spending time with my friends.
  • I liked English because we read Rosie Revere Engineer again.

Family discussion questions:

Next week we will be using positional and directional language in maths. Discuss any turns you do- can you use quarter, half and three-quarter turns and clockwise and anticlockwise to describe the movement?

Looking forward:

Next week we will be planning and writing an “invention narrative”. In maths, we will be learning developing our vocabulary to describe position and direction. In geography we will identify the geographical features of Goostrey and in computing we will create our own digital art.

PE will be on Fridays next half term! Please ensure school PE kit is worn.

Reading books are changed on Mondays. The reading folder is needed in school every day. Thank you.

Reading books should be brought into school every day. Children’s books will be changed weekly.

Please continue to read every night as this underpins so much learning in Year 2. For every consecutive 14 days of reading the children will receive 10 house points and see their face on the ‘Reading Challenge Wall of Fame’. Well done to the 6 children that completed the challenge again this week and the 4 children who received certificates this week. Please record when you read with your child in their reading diaries so we can track their progress and see who has completed the challenge this term!

Have a great week,

Mr Warhurst