Looking Back and Forth 24.5.24

Y2 Friday 24th May 2024 – Looking Back & Forth

Looking back:  This week in English, we have written our own ‘banning narrative’. We have been learning about units of time and lots of us have performed in band.

Year 2 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • My highlight this week was band because we got to play instruments.
  • I enjoyed piano because it was nice and my teacher helped me learn lots.
  • I enjoyed PE because we did dodgeball x18
  • I liked doing guitar because we did B string x3
  • I liked music with Mrs Sant.
  • I liked French because we did The Very Hungry Caterpillar in French.x3
  • I enjoyed learning about units of time in maths x4
  • I enjoyed Tilda Tries Again in assembly and learning about perseverance.
  • I enjoyed music and playing instruments



Family discussion questions:

Next week is half term- discuss as a family how you could complete our Olympic Challenge. Can you go for walk? Run? Cycle? And add to our school total?

Looking forward:

Next half term we will be reading a new text – to be revealed after half term. In maths, we will be learning about statistics including graphs and learning to use directional vocabulary. In science, we will become Young MasterChefs and in history we will learn about castles.

PE will be on Fridays next half term! Please ensure school PE kit is worn.

Reading books are changed on Mondays. The reading folder is needed in school every day. Thank you.

Reading books should be brought into school every day. Children’s books will be changed weekly.

Please continue to read every night as this underpins so much learning in Year 2. For every consecutive 14 days of reading the children will receive 10 house points and see their face on the ‘Reading Challenge Wall of Fame’. Well done to the 5 children that completed the challenge again this week and the 2 children who received certificates this week. Please record when you read with your child in their reading diaries so we can track their progress and see who has completed the challenge this term!

Have a great week,

Mr Warhurst