Looking Back and Forth 28.6.24

Y2 Friday 28th June 2024 – Looking Back & Forth

Looking back:  This week we have written and edited our invention narratives, used clockwise and anticlockwise to describe turns and visited the Blue Planet Aquarium.

Year 2 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • I enjoyed football at break with my friends X4
  • I liked cleaning the museum at breaktime.
  • I liked the aquarium because we saw fish and sharks x15
  • I liked doing PE
  • I liked everything because it is all so much fun! X2
  • I liked learning about the 5 pillars of Islam.X2
  • I liked measuring our jumps in PE.
  • I liked a robot arm game at playtime.
  • I enjoyed learning about sharks and the shark tunnel.
  • I liked the cute stingrays at the aquarium.
  • I like playing ninjas at playtimes
  • I liked seeing an axolotl at the aquarium.


Family discussion questions:

Next week we will be writing recounts – discuss at home what children did at the aquarium and what their favourite part of the day was.

Looking forward:

Next week we will be writing recounts, continue learning about Paul Klee and comparing Goostrey and Elizabethfontein.

PE is on Fridays.  Please ensure school PE kit is worn.

Reading books are changed on Mondays. The reading folder is needed in school every day. Thank you.

Reading books should be brought into school every day. Children’s books will be changed weekly.

Please continue to read every night as this underpins so much learning in Year 2. For every consecutive 14 days of reading the children will receive 10 house points and see their face on the ‘Reading Challenge Wall of Fame’. Well done to the 4 children that completed the challenge again this week and the one child who received a certificate this week. Please record when you read with your child in their reading diaries so we can track their progress and see who has completed the challenge this term!

Have a great week,

Mr Warhurst