Looking Back and Forth 7.6.24

Y2 Friday 7th 2024 – Looking Back & Forth

Looking back:  What a busy first week back! We have enjoyed our new text- Rosie Revere Engineer in English, read and made tally charts in maths and discussed what we know about plants as food, castles and Elizabethfontein!

Year 2 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • My highlight this week was maths because I loved doing tally charts.
  • I enjoyed doing running and jumping in PE X9
  • I liked answering fractions questions in arithmetic- they are the best! X2
  • I enjoyed geography and learning about oceans and continents x2
  • The best thing this week was history because I have visited a castle.
  • I liked playing rainbow friends at playtime x2
  • I have enjoyed year 2 football at playtime x2
  • I liked everything because it is all fun !

Family discussion questions:

Next week we will be learning more about castles- discuss any castles you may have visited. Who lived in castles?  What castles were for?

Looking forward:

Next week in English we will be learning about the features of an “invention narrative”. In maths, we will be learning about reading information in block diagrams  In science, we will discuss food groups  and in history we will learn about when castles were built and the different types of castles.

PE is on Fridays this half term! Please ensure school PE kit is worn.

Reading books are changed on Mondays. The reading folder is needed in school every day. Thank you.

Reading books should be brought into school every day. Children’s books will be changed weekly.

Please continue to read every night as this underpins so much learning in Year 2. For every consecutive 14 days of reading the children will receive 10 house points and see their face on the ‘Reading Challenge Wall of Fame’. Well done to the 2 children that completed the challenge again this week and the 1 child who received certificates this week. Please record when you read with your child in their reading diaries so we can track their progress and see who has completed the challenge this term!

Have a great week,

Mr Warhurst