Looking Back and Forth - Friday 15th October

Friday 15th October– Looking Back & Forth in Year 4

Looking back:

This week, we have been working very hard on the final pieces for the exhibition.  The children have written a lot for their stories (lots of achy hands!).  They have also explored a diverse group of European artists.  We have used styles from this group and incorporated their ideas into our work for the exhibition.  We are very excited about sharing it with families.  Please see below the details for viewing the exhibition.

Mrs Cooper, has also been hard at work with the class, completing exhibition work.  In the afternoons, the children have been looking at inspirational figures as part of our work on Black History Month. 

Building On

  • In English, the children built on their editing skills, reviewing their stories for the exhibition.
  • The children built on their skills of Tag Rugby, playing mini games. Next term, we will have PE on a Tuesday afternoon - gymnastics in the Village Hall.  Children will need to wear shorts and their PE top but obviously they may need to wear long trousers and jogging bottoms as well as their school sweatshirt over the top of their sports kit as the weather may be much cooler and we do have the windows open in the classroom for increased ventilation.
  • The children have built on their knowledge of fiddly circuits to create their quizboards.


  • Questions to ask at home
  • Who is Sonia Boyce?
  • Which artists’ styles have you used this week?
  • Can you tell me something about Henri Matisse?
  • What does audible mean?
  • Who was our inspirational person this week (clue – glove)?


Looking forward:

This week, we will be catching up with our maths, in particular place value and addition and subtraction.

In the afternoons, there will be music, French and completing work on electricity too!

Homework in Year 4

Reading – daily at least 15 mins – remember to take the Accelerated Reader Quizzes

Rockstars – as much as possible 10 mins daily is ideal – at least once a week for 20 mins

Spellings  – Mrs Riddell – Please learn them for the test on Wednesday.  It is better to look at them for 5 minutes each day than try to learn them all in one night.  The children remember them better learnt over the week.

Maths–For Friday – should have been handed in on Thursday this week as we are not in on Friday  -  beige sheet.

English  - should have been handed in on Thursday- John Kent comprehension

Could the children please complete their homework in pencil or blue/black pen not felt tip.

Timestables – for Friday  All timestables  - x5 x9 x8 x15 – there will be new ones this week

(This can be handed it at anytime before Friday, the children know where the plastic wallets are)



Reminders for this week – Please check the weekly newsletter for more detail

Exhibition – Year 4

You are warmly invited to visit our display of the children’s work in the school hall (junior side).  Under our Covid risk assessment we are inviting just one adult from each family and requesting masks are worn indoors.  You are welcome to collect your child to look at the exhibition with you—please come to the reception desk and someone will admit you then you and your child can have a look around the exhibition together. 

Every class has one day over the next few weeks to visit – our class day is on  Monday 1st November.   There is an open morning, for all families on Friday 22nd between 9 and 12.  (Please see timetable for the classes below)


This is a display of work studied by all year groups but because of current restrictions the format is different to past exhibitions.  We have all worked very hard on this display and it showcases our children and their talents beautifully.  We are so pleased to be able to put an exhibition on again and we are very proud of all the work the children have produced.  We hope you will be able to come and join us for this event  .  The children have also worked with an artist to prepare a large art piece and a dance specialist on their main theme. Our main area of study has been Europe.


Time 9 to 10 and 1 to 5


Year Group:

Wednesday 20th October

Year 6


Thursday 21st

Year 5


Friday 22nd   9 to 1

Open House


Monday 1st November

Year 4


Tuesday 2nd

Year 3


Wednesday 3rd

Year 2


Thursday 4th

Year 1


Friday 5th






Children can bring in hand sanitizers for their own personal use. 

Nightly reading recorded in reading record – make sure it comes to school on Friday

Reading challenge has started – 20 reads in the reading record =10 housepoints

Please encourage your child to record their reading in their reading records.