Reception 13 March Looking back and forth

Friday 13th March - Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back – what have we enjoyed this week:

The children have loved the facts about animals that live underground and their writing and drawings has been lovely. We have continued with addition and subtraction in maths and focused on counting objects accurately. We have talked about hand washing and how to do it thoroughly – singing Happy Birthday twice. In art we have started drawing and then water colouring daffodils. The children said they loved the Zumba this afternoon.

Looking forward

We will be learning about utilities underground. I will not be at school on Monday and Tuesday as I am on a first aid course. Mrs Raven will be running the class. We have also made the decision to postpone Grandparents’ tea party until the summer. Please would you let grandparents know?

Questions you could discuss at home:

Which is your favourite underground animal and why?