Reception 24th May Looking back and forth

Friday 24th May 2019 - Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back

English: This week the children wrote a descriptive piece about an unusual house they might like to live in. There were lots of very interesting ideas.

Maths: Addition and subtraction – We introduced problem solving this week using addition and subtraction stories.

PE: Mini-athletics with Premier Sport coaches on Friday. The children continue to explore pace and control and today they were out on the field.

Reception Children's highlights

Visiting the library in Holmes Chapel was the highlight of the week. The children were so well behaved and extremely attentive during the visit. The train journey was rather quick and everyone sharing the carriage with our class joined in their excitement. It was a happy train ride! On Thursday we walked across to St Luke’s church as part of our RE curriculum - What is a church used for? We spent an hour looking around and asking questions. Other highlights this week were: PE on the field, bikes on Friday, Buddy time and lunch – fish and chips.

Looking forward

Next term our topic is Journeys. More information to follow.

Dates of interest:

Buddy trip on 28th June.


Reading: Reading challenge has been set. The children will get a house point for each day they read at home. Please record your children's reading in their reading record so they don't lose out on their points. We will hand them out on Tuesday afternoon during guided reading sessions.

Friday 24th May 2019 - Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back

English: This week the children wrote a descriptive piece about an unusual house they might like to live in. There were lots of very interesting ideas.

Maths: Addition and subtraction – We introduced problem solving this week using addition and subtraction stories.

PE: Mini-athletics with Premier Sport coaches on Friday. The children continue to explore pace and control and today they were out on the field.

Reception Children's highlights

Visiting the library in Holmes Chapel was the highlight of the week. The children were so well behaved and extremely attentive during the visit. The train journey was rather quick and everyone sharing the carriage with our class joined in their excitement. It was a happy train ride! On Thursday we walked across to St Luke’s church as part of our RE curriculum - What is a church used for? We spent an hour looking around and asking questions. Other highlights this week were: PE on the field, bikes on Friday, Buddy time and lunch – fish and chips.

Looking forward

Next term our topic is Journeys. More information to follow.

Dates of interest:

Buddy trip on 28th June.


Reading: Reading challenge has been set. The children will get a house point for each day they read at home. Please record your children's reading in their reading record so they don't lose out on their points. We will hand them out on Tuesday afternoon during guided reading sessions.

Friday 24th May 2019 - Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back

English: This week the children wrote a descriptive piece about an unusual house they might like to live in. There were lots of very interesting ideas.

Maths: Addition and subtraction – We introduced problem solving this week using addition and subtraction stories.

PE: Mini-athletics with Premier Sport coaches on Friday. The children continue to explore pace and control and today they were out on the field.

Reception Children's highlights

Visiting the library in Holmes Chapel was the highlight of the week. The children were so well behaved and extremely attentive during the visit. The train journey was rather quick and everyone sharing the carriage with our class joined in their excitement. It was a happy train ride! On Thursday we walked across to St Luke’s church as part of our RE curriculum - What is a church used for? We spent an hour looking around and asking questions. Other highlights this week were: PE on the field, bikes on Friday, Buddy time and lunch – fish and chips.

Looking forward

Next term our topic is Journeys. More information to follow.

Dates of interest:

Buddy trip on 28th June.


Reading: Reading challenge has been set. The children will get a house point for each day they read at home. Please record your children's reading in their reading record so they don't lose out on their points. We will hand them out on Tuesday afternoon during guided reading sessions.

Friday 24th May 2019 - Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back

English: This week the children wrote a descriptive piece about an unusual house they might like to live in. There were lots of very interesting ideas.

Maths: Addition and subtraction – We introduced problem solving this week using addition and subtraction stories.

PE: Mini-athletics with Premier Sport coaches on Friday. The children continue to explore pace and control and today they were out on the field.

Reception Children's highlights

Visiting the library in Holmes Chapel was the highlight of the week. The children were so well behaved and extremely attentive during the visit. The train journey was rather quick and everyone sharing the carriage with our class joined in their excitement. It was a happy train ride! On Thursday we walked across to St Luke’s church as part of our RE curriculum - What is a church used for? We spent an hour looking around and asking questions. Other highlights this week were: PE on the field, bikes on Friday, Buddy time and lunch – fish and chips.

Looking forward

Next term our topic is Journeys. More information to follow.

Dates of interest:

Buddy trip on 28th June.


Reading: Reading challenge has been set. The children will get a house point for each day they read at home. Please record your children's reading in their reading record so they don't lose out on their points. We will hand them out on Tuesday afternoon during guided reading sessions.

Friday 24th May 2019 - Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back

English: This week the children wrote a descriptive piece about an unusual house they might like to live in. There were lots of very interesting ideas.

Maths: Addition and subtraction – We introduced problem solving this week using addition and subtraction stories.

PE: Mini-athletics with Premier Sport coaches on Friday. The children continue to explore pace and control and today they were out on the field.

Reception Children's highlights

Visiting the library in Holmes Chapel was the highlight of the week. The children were so well behaved and extremely attentive during the visit. The train journey was rather quick and everyone sharing the carriage with our class joined in their excitement. It was a happy train ride! On Thursday we walked across to St Luke’s church as part of our RE curriculum - What is a church used for? We spent an hour looking around and asking questions. Other highlights this week were: PE on the field, bikes on Friday, Buddy time and lunch – fish and chips.

Looking forward

Next term our topic is Journeys. More information to follow.

Dates of interest:

Buddy trip on 28th June.


Reading: Reading challenge has been set. The children will get a house point for each day they read at home. Please record your children's reading in their reading record so they don't lose out on their points. We will hand them out on Tuesday afternoon during guided reading sessions.

Friday 24th May 2019 - Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back

English: This week the children wrote a descriptive piece about an unusual house they might like to live in. There were lots of very interesting ideas.

Maths: Addition and subtraction – We introduced problem solving this week using addition and subtraction stories.

PE: Mini-athletics with Premier Sport coaches on Friday. The children continue to explore pace and control and today they were out on the field.

Reception Children's highlights

Visiting the library in Holmes Chapel was the highlight of the week. The children were so well behaved and extremely attentive during the visit. The train journey was rather quick and everyone sharing the carriage with our class joined in their excitement. It was a happy train ride! On Thursday we walked across to St Luke’s church as part of our RE curriculum - What is a church used for? We spent an hour looking around and asking questions. Other highlights this week were: PE on the field, bikes on Friday, Buddy time and lunch – fish and chips.

Looking forward

Next term our topic is Journeys. More information to follow.

Dates of interest:

Buddy trip on 28th June.


Reading: Reading challenge has been set. The children will get a house point for each day they read at home. Please record your children's reading in their reading record so they don't lose out on their points. We will hand them out on Tuesday afternoon during guided reading sessions.

Friday 24th May 2019 - Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back

English: This week the children wrote a descriptive piece about an unusual house they might like to live in. There were lots of very interesting ideas.

Maths: Addition and subtraction – We introduced problem solving this week using addition and subtraction stories.

PE: Mini-athletics with Premier Sport coaches on Friday. The children continue to explore pace and control and today they were out on the field.

Reception Children's highlights

Visiting the library in Holmes Chapel was the highlight of the week. The children were so well behaved and extremely attentive during the visit. The train journey was rather quick and everyone sharing the carriage with our class joined in their excitement. It was a happy train ride! On Thursday we walked across to St Luke’s church as part of our RE curriculum - What is a church used for? We spent an hour looking around and asking questions. Other highlights this week were: PE on the field, bikes on Friday, Buddy time and lunch – fish and chips.

Looking forward

Next term our topic is Journeys. More information to follow.

Dates of interest:

Buddy trip on 28th June.


Reading: Reading challenge has been set. The children will get a house point for each day they read at home. Please record your children's reading in their reading record so they don't lose out on their points. We will hand them out on Tuesday afternoon during guided reading sessions.

Friday 24th May 2019 - Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back

English: This week the children wrote a descriptive piece about an unusual house they might like to live in. There were lots of very interesting ideas.

Maths: Addition and subtraction – We introduced problem solving this week using addition and subtraction stories.

PE: Mini-athletics with Premier Sport coaches on Friday. The children continue to explore pace and control and today they were out on the field.

Reception Children's highlights

Visiting the library in Holmes Chapel was the highlight of the week. The children were so well behaved and extremely attentive during the visit. The train journey was rather quick and everyone sharing the carriage with our class joined in their excitement. It was a happy train ride! On Thursday we walked across to St Luke’s church as part of our RE curriculum - What is a church used for? We spent an hour looking around and asking questions. Other highlights this week were: PE on the field, bikes on Friday, Buddy time and lunch – fish and chips.

Looking forward

Next term our topic is Journeys. More information to follow.

Dates of interest:

Buddy trip on 28th June.


Reading: Reading challenge has been set. The children will get a house point for each day they read at home. Please record your children's reading in their reading record so they don't lose out on their points. We will hand them out on Tuesday afternoon during guided reading sessions.

Friday 24th May 2019 - Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back

English: This week the children wrote a descriptive piece about an unusual house they might like to live in. There were lots of very interesting ideas.

Maths: Addition and subtraction – We introduced problem solving this week using addition and subtraction stories.

PE: Mini-athletics with Premier Sport coaches on Friday. The children continue to explore pace and control and today they were out on the field.

Reception Children's highlights

Visiting the library in Holmes Chapel was the highlight of the week. The children were so well behaved and extremely attentive during the visit. The train journey was rather quick and everyone sharing the carriage with our class joined in their excitement. It was a happy train ride! On Thursday we walked across to St Luke’s church as part of our RE curriculum - What is a church used for? We spent an hour looking around and asking questions. Other highlights this week were: PE on the field, bikes on Friday, Buddy time and lunch – fish and chips.

Looking forward

Next term our topic is Journeys. More information to follow.

Dates of interest:

Buddy trip on 28th June.


Reading: Reading challenge has been set. The children will get a house point for each day they read at home. Please record your children's reading in their reading record so they don't lose out on their points. We will hand them out on Tuesday afternoon during guided reading sessions.

Friday 24th May 2019 - Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back

English: This week the children wrote a descriptive piece about an unusual house they might like to live in. There were lots of very interesting ideas.

Maths: Addition and subtraction – We introduced problem solving this week using addition and subtraction stories.

PE: Mini-athletics with Premier Sport coaches on Friday. The children continue to explore pace and control and today they were out on the field.

Reception Children's highlights

Visiting the library in Holmes Chapel was the highlight of the week. The children were so well behaved and extremely attentive during the visit. The train journey was rather quick and everyone sharing the carriage with our class joined in their excitement. It was a happy train ride! On Thursday we walked across to St Luke’s church as part of our RE curriculum - What is a church used for? We spent an hour looking around and asking questions. Other highlights this week were: PE on the field, bikes on Friday, Buddy time and lunch – fish and chips.

Looking forward

Next term our topic is Journeys. More information to follow.

Dates of interest:

Buddy trip on 28th June.


Reading: Reading challenge has been set. The children will get a house point for each day they read at home. Please record your children's reading in their reading record so they don't lose out on their points. We will hand them out on Tuesday afternoon during guided reading sessions.

Friday 24th May 2019 - Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back

English: This week the children wrote a descriptive piece about an unusual house they might like to live in. There were lots of very interesting ideas.

Maths: Addition and subtraction – We introduced problem solving this week using addition and subtraction stories.

PE: Mini-athletics with Premier Sport coaches on Friday. The children continue to explore pace and control and today they were out on the field.

Reception Children's highlights

Visiting the library in Holmes Chapel was the highlight of the week. The children were so well behaved and extremely attentive during the visit. The train journey was rather quick and everyone sharing the carriage with our class joined in their excitement. It was a happy train ride! On Thursday we walked across to St Luke’s church as part of our RE curriculum - What is a church used for? We spent an hour looking around and asking questions. Other highlights this week were: PE on the field, bikes on Friday, Buddy time and lunch – fish and chips.

Looking forward

Next term our topic is Journeys. More information to follow.

Dates of interest:

Buddy trip on 28th June.


Reading: Reading challenge has been set. The children will get a house point for each day they read at home. Please record your children's reading in their reading record so they don't lose out on their points. We will hand them out on Tuesday afternoon during guided reading sessions.

Friday 24th May 2019 - Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back