Reception 30/11/19 Looking back and forth

Saturday 30th November 2019

Looking back at the week:

Our topic this week was Thanksgiving. I hope that the children told you the story of the Mayflower sailing to the new land with the pilgrims? The pilgrims met the Native Americans and one in particular helped the pilgrims settle - his name was Squanto. He showed them how to use fish bones in the soil to help the crops grow better. At the end of the first year the people celebrated together and this was to become known as Thanksgiving.

I  have shown the children where India, The UK, South Africa and American is on the map. May I suggest a wall map for Christmas for some of our budding geography lovers?

 We made Pumpkin Pie in class on Thursday as our Thanksgiving celebrations. All the children got a chance to taste and some had seconds and thirds.

We have continued with addition in maths and counting beyond 20 and working on number recognition. Writing numbers is tricky so if you could encourage that at home it would be a great help to us at school.

The children now have their places on the stage for the nativity. They will be doing all the singing and the Year 2 children will be doing the acting. Please make sure we have their Christmassy t-shirt in by Monday. They will wear their PE shorts and be barefeet on stage as it gets very hot up there.

There are two performances for the nativity. Wednesday 11th at 9:30am and Thursday 12th at 2pm. Each family will get 2 tickets for each performance. Please do not bring younger children to the nativity performances but they are very welcome to come and watch the dress rehearsal on Tuesday 10th at 9:30. Just let me know if you are coming so that I can put a seat out for you.

Next week we will begin our Christmas theme and Mrs Raven has grand ideas for our role play area. I'm excited too!

Next Friday is the school Christmas Fair. Please look out for the stall selling items to help fund the school visit from Elizabethfontein. The Year 2 children with guidance from Mrs Raven have been busy making the most amazing gifts to sell.