Reception 6th March Looking back and forth

Friday 6th March - Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back – what have we enjoyed this week:

This week we looked at caves in South Africa especially the caves near our twin school Elizabethfontein called “Stadsaal”. We saw the cave paintings and discussed what they had used to paint them. We also wrote about what we need to take if we would spend night in a cave. The children also wrote the invitations to their grandparents and these were sent home today. We have continued with subtraction in maths. Thanks for all the contributions to our underground museum. We had a lovely buddy time in the sun playing with balls today. We have been reading the story of Our Farm and looking at photos from long ago – comparing past to present.

Looking forward

We will be learning about animals that live underground.

Questions you could discuss at home:

Have you seen photos of mummy and daddy when they were small?