Reception 8th November 2019 Looking back and forth

Friday 8th November- Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back – what have we enjoyed

This week we heard the story of Guy Fawkes and learnt why we celebrate bonfire night. The children absolutely loved the story and we acted it out in class several times. Our PE lesson on Thursday was also based on the story. The children’s writing focus was their favourite part of the story. We have looked at 2D shape in maths and made shape rockets. If you are able to do some cutting with your children at home it would help us a lot with activities at school. The role play area in class is set up as a Party Palace which is proving very popular. The children said they loved lunch today (Friday).

Looking forward

For the next two weeks we are learning about Divali. Mrs Raj is going to come in and make Chapattis with the children.


Nativity on 12th and 13th December. Each family will be given two tickets for each performance.