Reception class update Friday 7th March

Hello all

I am typing this at lunchtime and see the childen enjoying their lunchtime play. Chicken burgers were a big success this week.

This week at school we have started to write letters to our family and these will be posted home in a week or two. I will be asking for a donation of a £1 to cover the cost of a stamp. I have traditionally walked them to the Post Office and I will try to negotiate this with the Post Master but it might be that I will need to set up a PO in the Sunshine Room. I will send a permission letter for you to allow them to walk to the Post Box on the Main Road.

In maths we are working on numbers beyond 10 and number bonds. We spent time in the woods yesterday so apologies for some muddy PJ's. We read a few stories in the woods. Thanks for sending in such good books and we read as many as we could. Freddie's book Spidey is still missing. Please check book bags.

On Thursday it is non uniform day as a reward for bringing in contributions to the class hamper. Our colour is PINK.

Please so ask if you need more information on Rose Day. School is not directly involved but we are happy to answer questions. The link to the registration form is on the FaceBook class page. The Reception children will be on a float.