Reception class weekly update week ending 27th September
Please don't forget to let me know what your child/children would like to eat on Thursday at the social. Thanks for all the responses so far.
Dates to remember: Class social on the 3rd at 5pm to 6:30pm
Phonics introduction: Monday 7th at 5pm in the Sunshine Room
Exhibition: Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th October
Inset day - No school for the children - Friday 25th October
This week we have continued to read the number stories and we have 8, 9 and 10 to hear this week. The children are enjoying the phonic stories with Kit and Sam too.
I know some of you told me the children have been singing at home. The whole school have a singing assembly on a Friday afternoon and we are learning value songs. This week was about Respect.
We are working towards our display for the exhibition which is all about the heroes who help us. We are working with different material and textures as we build up the large background for our paintings. Mrs Hughes and I are holding thumbs for a delightful outcome.
The class now attends whole school assembly on a Friday and an infant assembly every other day. They had a play with the Year 6 class on Friday afternoon and will meet their buddies this coming Friday. I will take a photo of them with their buddy and these photos will go into the rockets they have painted and decorated.