Reception Friday 17 May Looking back and forth

Friday 17 May 2019 - Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back

English: Writing the story of The Good Samaritan – they chose one picture in a sequence and wrote two or three sentences about the story.

Maths: Addition and subtraction – practical maths on the astro turf on Thursday. This week we have been working on ordering and recognising numbers to 20

Art:  Drawing of mini beasts.

PE: Mini-athletics with Premier Sport coaches on Friday. The children continue to explore pace and control. Tennis on Thursday afternoon.

Reception Children's highlights

This week’s highlight has been the walk to the PO. It was a great success and thank you to the parents who came along to help. The weather was on our side! I hope your letters arrive soon. Other highlights of the week are: “seeing our buddies, lunchtime on the field, bug hunting and drawing the bugs, getting the bikes out, writing the story of the Good Samaritan and tennis because we could play with the tennis bats and balls by ourselves and try to hit the ball.”

Looking forward

Our train trip to Holmes Chapel library on Wednesday and visiting the church on Thursday afternoon. Each child needs £1 for Wednesday.

Dates of interest:

Trip to the Library in Holmes Chapel on Wednesday 22nd May

Visit St Luke’s church on Thursday 23rd May

Buddy trip on 28th June.


Reading: Reading challenge has been set. The children will get a house point for each day they read at home. Please record your children's reading in their reading record so they don't lose out on their points. We will hand them out on Tuesday afternoon during guided reading sessions