Reception Friday 22nd October 2019 Looking back and forth

Looking back and forth over the week:

Over the last two weeks we have been learing about Divali. On Friday Mrs Raj, Jay's mum, came in to celebrate Divali with us. She brought diva lamps for our display and brought in traditional dress for the children to see. A few children dressed up and I wore a sari. Mrs Raj had cooked lots of very tasty treats for the children and staff. We had sweets and the children made chipattis in class and then enjoyed them with either chocolate spread, ketchup or honey. The staff had curry for lunch! Thank you so very much for helping to make the understanding of Divali so real Mrs Raj - you can definately come again. Next week we are learning about Thanksgiving.

The children also had an introduction to money and looked at coins and talked about why money is used.

The written activity this week was sequincing and we can safely say that the children know the story of Rama and Sita.