Reception Friday 26th April Looking back and forth

Friday 26 April 2019 - Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back

English/KUW: This week we introduced the topic of “All around me” and we went on a walk to the Junior side of the school. The children then drew and labelled maps of the route they took and the focal points along the way.

Maths: Number recognition and counting. I assessed the children on their number knowledge to 20 and if they could order and recognise these numbers.

Art: Colour mixing with Mrs Raven using primary colour water and paints.

PE: Tennis with Mrs Flint on Thursday and Friday

Reception Children's highlights

The children said they loved the colour mixing and seeing the magic as the colours changed when they were poured together. They also said when their hands were painted different colours and they rubbed them together they also saw the change. The children are also very excited about the vet surgery being set up in the class. Thank you for the contributions so far. If you are visiting or passing a vet this weekend please ask them for any posters or items we could have for our play area please? The children also really enjoyed their introduction to tennis this week. I’m hoping there will be some budding professionals among them.

Family discussion questions

I have sent a sheet home to fill in about your house. You child should please use an HB pencil to fill in the answers.

Looking forward

Next week we will be looking at different types of houses and we are also going to put the eggs into the incubator and hope that we will get some chicks hatching in 21 days.

Dates of interest:

Buddy trip on 28th June.


Reading: Reading challenge has been set. The children will get a house point for each day they read at home. Please record your children's reading in their reading record so they don't lose out on their points. We will hand them out on Tuesday afternoon during guided reading sessions.