Reception Friday 27 September 2019 Looking back and forth

Friday 27th September 2019- Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back

A whole week under our belts and I am very tired so imagine your children are too. The children have learnt about the characteristics of autumn and we went on an autumn walk and found many conkers. They then did their first written work in their English books which was drawing a picture and trying to write the sounds they hear in the words. We have done phonics every day and working on blending sounds. PE was a success on Thursday afternoon with them taking only 25 minutes to change! We are on the up and up! Today they had time to read books with the Year 6 class and looked relaxed as they huddled together enjoying the stories. During the week we have done a lot of number work – I am reading them number stories; we are counting, matching objects to numbers and recognising numbers.

Your child will have brought home a reading record book and a pot with sounds. I have not sent home reading books with all children yet and I will explain more about that on the 7th. All you need to write up in the reading record is the date and the book they have read (if they have one) and a short note about how they got on with the book/sounds.

Today we had hoped they would meet their buddies but as there were three Year 6 children absent and it was pouring with rain after whole school assembly we decided against it. The Year 6 children did get a photo of their Reception buddy. We shall make time next week to introduce the Reception children to their official buddy before Friday (as Friday is normally buddy day but we will be at MOSI).

Looking forward

We have our trip to Mosi to look forward too and I am expecting to be back well before 4pm so please look out for a text message for our time of arrival back. We are leaving Mosi at 2pm so unless the traffic is really bad we should be back by 3pm.

Our annual exhibition is on the 23rd and 24th October. It officially opens at 2pm on the Wednesday. Our class will be performing on one of the days at 2:45pm. This will be confirmed soon. The children will have their work displayed too. We are going to be making robots. There is a café so when you come and look around make sure you bring some money for a cup of tea and cake. All the money is going towards funding the flights for our twin school pupils to visit us next year.

Dates of interest:

Phonics evening: Monday 7th October in The Sunshine Room at 6pm.

Exhibition: Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th October.