Reception Friday 29 March Looking back and forth

Friday 22 March 2019 - Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back

English: Oliver’s Vegetables(story book) which also covers the days of the week. Mothers’ Day cards inserts.

Maths: 3D shape and capacity

RE: Hot cross buns and why we eat them.

KUW: Root vegetables. We also prepared the vegetable garden raised beds for planting after the Easter break

PE: Multi-sports with Premier Sport on Friday morning

Reception Children's highlights

Melting the cards for mummy, lunchtime and playing on the field, eating hot cross buns and building dens.

Family discussion questions

Can you make a list of all the vegetables your family love to eat? What is the most unusual vegetable you all like?

Looking forward

Underground transport.

Dates of interest:

Buddy trip on 28th June.


Reading: Reading challenge has been set. The children will get a house point for each day they read at home. Please record your children's reading in their reading record so they don't lose out on their points. We will hand them out on Tuesday afternoon during guided reading sessions.