Reception Friday 4th October Looking back and forth

Friday 4th October 2019- Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back

Our trip to MOSI was a lovely and the children were extremely well behaved. They listened well in the Little Inventors session which was half an hour long. They heard the story of Hans and JK Sterling and the Great Bike Race (Whoo-hoo!). They then, using blue prints, designed a streamline bike with two wheels the same size. Amazing invention!!! We were lucky enough to be the only school there so had the run of the top floor and could relax and have lunch a little earlier- some children were ready to tuck into their lunches at 9:30am on the bus! They all had a great time in the Exploration gallery as there was lots to touch and see and a soft play area too. We walked across the road to the flight warehouse and the biggest excitement for them was counting to 60 to see the hot air balloon lift off.

On Wednesday they met their buddies and they all seemed happy.  I hope you found their buddy book in their bag.  There is no need to make one to reciprocate but of course you are most welcome to do so if you wish.

The children are now in school houses (or colour teams as I like to call it – they just don’t get the house thing!) I have told each child which colour house they are in but will keep reminding them and make a chart for the wall. I shall also write it in their reading record tomorrow. They can get house points for good behaviour, being polite and helpful, working hard, showing kindness and for many other attributes. Their Year 6 buddy is in the same house and on Sports Day they will do the activities together.

The book we are basing our writing on is “No-Bot” (The robot with no bottom!) The children have had to think of a good use of the bottom and try and write as many sounds as they hear in that word –for example: a basket. Some children may only hear b but some may hear more sounds.

We continue to do phonics every day and the children are making good progress.  

The phonics evening was well attended. If you missed it I am happy to meet again on Wednesday 16th October just after 9am in the Sunshine Room. Please let me know if you would like to attend this session?

Looking forward

The children are making robots this week. They are inventing a working robot. We are also, as a class, going to invent and build a water feature for the exhibition.

Our annual exhibition is on the 23rd and 24th October. It officially opens at 2pm on the Wednesday. Our class will be performing on the Thursday at 2:45pm. The children will have their work displayed too. We are going to be making robots. There is a café so when you come and look around make sure you bring some money for a cup of tea and cake. All the money is going towards funding the flights for our twin school pupils to visit us next year.

Dates of interest:

Exhibition: Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th October.