Reception Friday 7th June Looking back and forth

Friday 7 June 2019 - Looking Back and Forth in Reception

If you could encourage your child to do more cutting at home it would help us enormously. Many of them are really struggling. Just draw a few lines on a page and get them to cut along them.

Don’t forget to let us know about your children’s achievements/successes out of school. We love to hear about swimming and biking etc. successes… and house point for any writing done at home too. 

Show and tell: Please encourage your child to prepare for show and tell. I always give house points for good presentations.

Looking Back

English: We have read the book “Bob the man on the moon” and then using a story map the children rewrote the story totally independent. They all really impressed me with applying the phonics they know.

Maths: This week has been about halving and doubling. I introduced it on Tuesday and then we focused on halving. Please do talk about halving and doubling at home.

PE: On Tuesday afternoon the class did a dance session with Miss Oakes from Premier Sport. It was based on different types of transport.

Reception Children's highlights

Seeing how much the chicks had grown on Tuesday. Doing PE!   Buddy time even in the rain.  Hearing the story of “Bob the man on the moon.” Playing and riding the bikes. Making cards for daddy.

Looking forward

Next week we are continuing with the space theme and will look at doubling in maths. Reading will continue and I have put all the children into groups of 5 for reading and this worked well on Tuesday afternoon. This is preparing them for reading in Year 1. I am so pleased with all their progress in reading.

Dates of interest:

Buddy trip on 28th June. Letters came home on Friday (apologies they were a day late)


Word pots: These will be updated next week.

Reading: Please read a few times a week and you don’t have to read the books from school. 5minutes a session is more than enough.

Writing: Writing out phase 2 and 3 tricky words:

I, go,to,the,no,into,we,be,she.he,me,my,you,are.

Can they do it from memory?

Maths: counting and writing numbers.