Reception Looking back and forth Friday 12 November 2021

Another busy and happy week under our belts and is hard to believe how we are romping through this Autumn term. 6 weeks to Christmas and I hope you have recieved the email from school about the nativity. Book the date! Tuesday 14th December at 9:30am. 

This week I hope you have heard all about Diwali from the children. I told them the story of Rama and Sita and told them why Diwali is called the Festival of Light. Here is the link to the story if you wish to watch it with your child and get them to tell you all the details.

We have puppets in the class and the children have enjoyed re-enacting the story. On Wednesday afternoon they molded their diva lamps from clay and will decorate these when they are dry, hopefully next week. Our literacy focus was sequencing which they all did really well. They seem to really enjoy this story! They asked why Rama was blue so we googled that. According to legend he was poisoned as a baby so his skin turned blue!

In maths we are reading number stories and have now read 0,1,2,3 and 4. They love these zoo based tales. We are working hard correct number formation.

On Friday we trooped across to the school hall to do gymnastics on the large apparatus. This was a huge hit! I look forward to their confidencing growing over the weeks as they tackle the higher rungs on the climbing apparatus.

What a happy lovely buddy time today! They are always so very excited to see each other. 

I hope you have a lovely weekend and thank you for the contributions to the hampers. They look great.

Next week we will continue our learning about Diwali.