Reception looking back and forth Friday 19 November 21

Parent's Evening are on Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday evenings this week. Please come straight to the classroom for your appointment. Each appointment is 10 minutes

Looking back:

This week the children worked so hard on their writing about the story of Divali. They wrote a sentence or two about the tale of Rama and Sita. We were most impressed with their application of phonics learnt and how they are wanting to write more. In phonics lessons we not only work on sounds but also on segmenting and blending words so we use chopping arms to break up words. We are also training the children on the correct letter formation. I remind them that they must start the letters at the top.

In maths we matched number to object and accurate counting. I encourage them to move the objects as they count so they don't miss count. 

We were delighted to invite Sam, Anvitha's mum, to the class on Thursday afternoon. She wore her sari and brought in some tasty Divali treats for the children to enjoy. It was a lovely afternoon and you could have heard a pin drop when she first walked in with jaws literally dropping! She looked splendid in her brightly coloured sari. I think they thought Sita had arrived! Sam told them about how they celebrate Divali at home and then the children had an opportunity to try on some Indian costumes. Thank you Sam!

On Friday Miss Atkins read "The Christmas Carrot" to the children in the Infant assembly. It is a Alan Plenderlieth book. 

In PE they children continued their gymnastics in the school hall using the apparatus more confidently.

Next week:

We are going to learn about Thanksgiving in America. Our literacy is based on the story - Star in a Jar.