Reception Looking back and forth Friday 2 July 2021

Hello all

On Monday we got an exciting email from the author of  "The Something"- Rebecca Cobbs. She had heard that we were reading her book and she wanted to know all our thoughts. So our task this week was to reply to her and we put actions to all the words to help us remember and write the sentences.We put in a slap on the knee to rememeber a full stop! In the story we learn about the changing seasons and about the cherry tree. I got some cherries to eat on Thursday afternoon plus some mini cheddars as this is what Rebecca, the author, said she pushed down the hole. What is not to like about a cherry and mini cheddar picnic?

On Thursday we headed into the woods to find natural and non natural things which was part of our RE leason about Creation. We also listened to Louis Armstrong's song "Its a wonderful world" and watched the beautiful photos. 

In maths we have been focusing on doubling and sharing. Some children are still finding doubling tricky. 

Our main topic is transport this term and this week it was about busses. We watched a short video about Aunty Mable and Pippin which gave us all a better idea about bus travel. 

Looking ahead next week we have pj day on Monday but I don't suggest slippers! No PE on Tuesday but I will send a reminder text on Monday night. We will have PE on Friday which will be our sports day session. The children need to wear their PE kits (not house coloured t-shirts). 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!