Reception looking back and forth Friday 24th September

Friday 24th September - Looking Back and Forth in Reception
Looking Back – what we have done this week
•    phonics every morning and writing the letters correctly on the white board
•    learnt some Makaton signs for: sit, stand up, horse, go, toilet, play
•    decorated a paper mâché balloon for our birthday display
•    drew a picture of my family in my English book and wrote my name
•    listened to stories really well
•    got going home places and carpet places and mostly remembered where they were!
•    met the Year 6 boys and girls and had a play together
•    played football on the AstroTurf
•    enjoyed bike Friday
•    some have done their counting bear activity and only 6 children left to baseline in maths now
•    PE with Mr Biggs and Mr Jones is going really well and they are all engaged
•    eaten well at lunchtime and played on the school field with the whole school.
Looking forward
I will be introducing the Exhibition theme to them on Monday. Our continent is Asia so we are going to make our focus dragons and particularly the most popular dragon which represents Chinese New Year.  
Sound and word pots coming home with reading books