Reception Looking back and forth week ending 1 October

Friday 1 October 2021- Looking Back and Forth in Reception
Looking Back – what we have done this week
•    We started making the Chinese dragon for the exhibition and the children did their handprints on a huge cloth which will be the body of the dragon and they also did some paper mâché for the head. 
•    We have tried some more letter formation and focussed on correctly forming “a” – which is very tricky
•    In maths we have worked on matching number to objects and number recognition. We are counting lots especially in the morning when we do the lunch orders. We like to know which meal is the most popular. 
•    We learnt where Asia was on the world map and that it is a continent. We then learnt that China is a country in Asia and located this on the map in the class. 
•    In music we listened to traditional Chinese music and played along with instruments and listened to see if we could hear drums, cymbals and bells in the music.
•    We went on an Autumn walk and found lots of different colour leaves and then sorted them into the 4 colour hoops. We had quite a stash of items not only leaves but found some berries, mini wild pears, twigs, seed pods and some conkers. 
•    In PHSCE this week our focus was respect. I gave then a few scenarios which we chatted about. These were mostly about things we don’t like happening to us and respecting when people say please stop or no I don’t want to do that. One example was a child being encouraged to climb higher in the climbing tree when actually they did not really want to. Say no thanks and then tell an adult if you still feel uncomfortable. 
•    Our writing this week was to label parts of a dragon and colour our dragon in. We are looking at initial sounds. 
Looking forward
Our writing focus next week is based on the book Juniper Jupiter and superheroes. We will continue with building the exhibition dragon. In maths we are using Numicon to match and count and are also looking at comparing patterns.