Reception: Looking back and forth week ending 15th October 21

Our focus this week has been around the exhibition. We learnt a new song about Chinese New Year and used instruments to accompany our singing. The children have great control when playing the instruments and love to swap over and play a few in the session.

The writing was based on the book Juniper Jupiter and they had to describe the main character which they all did really well. They could remember all her attributes. Some children are still focussing on initial sounds and some can hear more sounds in words. It is wonderful to see their interest and progress. We got the superhero dressing up outfits out on Thursday which were a huge hit!

In phonics I have now formally taught all the phase 2 tricky words: I, no, go, to the, into. I have actions for these words to prompt them. Say the words to them and ask them to show you the actions.

I hope that you are all enjoying the books that are coming home. Thank you for the notes in the reading diaries as it gives me a good idea how you are doing in the reading journey. Please email me if you have any questions.

In maths we are learning about patterns. Some children found this concept quite tricky so we will continue this next week again. Repeating patterns is what I am focusing on. I am only working with two or three items repeated and either looking at the shape or the colour. Have a go at home and send in a photo. It would be great to show the class.

We finished all the work for the exhibition and our class display is nearly done. The children made lanterns on Wednesday to decorate the Chinese Dragon display. (More info on the exhibition to follow).

Buddy time was lovely on Friday afternoon and I took a photo of them with their buddies for our birthday balloon display in the class.

In PE they started ball skills and they spent time doing controlled rolling with a partner. We had two dance sessions with Laura (a dance teacher from HC) learning a Chinese dragon dance. They did so well and it was lovely to see them work as a class making a long dragon moving around the hall. Laura was very impressed with them.


This year our exhibition is about the 7 continents. As you know we have Asia. All the children’s work is displayed in the school hall. Due to Covid and the restrictions set by the DFE we have to allocate a day for each class for parents to visit. Reception’s day is 5th November from 1 to 4pm. You may collect your child from the class to take them to have a look around with you. The children will also have the opportunity to look around the exhibition with their buddies.