Reception Looking back and forth week ending 18 June

Hello all

The children are loving the space theme and learning lots of facts. Did you know that the moon has mirrors on it set down by Neil and Buzz in 1969. These are used to measure the distance to the moon using a lazer. I hope that comes up in a pub quizz one day!

This week the children have painted their own alien, put the planets in order on a worksheet and coloured in, revised ordinal numbers, done phonics everyday and we are trying to get them to write short sentences independently and enjoyed playing in the new rocket ship.

Some children have made their own rockets and some have written a recount of Bob the Man on the moon story. The rest will do theirs next week.

The weather has been great so they have spent a lot of time outdoors having a lot of fun building and creating things with the big blocks aswell as other exciting adventurous playing.

Have a lovely weekend