Reception Looking back and forth week ending 21 October 21

Hello all. Thank you for a lovely half term. The children have settled really well and I am so proud of them.

This week has been a more relaxed week as many of them have been so very tired which I am sure you have noticed too. Despite the wet weather we have spent time outside. 

Highlights of the week:

Key Strings concert on Thursday afternoon. Wow wow wow it was super! The children loved hearing all the different string instruments from around the world and the two gentlemen musicians were so engaging. Some of the children got to play an instrument too. 

Visiting the exhibition with their buddies on Thursday morning. They are bonding well and were excited to see each other. They spent time looking at all the beautiful displays.

In Maths we looked at patterns and completed these with lots of different items and did a worksheet for the maths books. They are good at repeating two colours or items but most children are still finding more items and colours very challenging to repeat or to actually see the pattern.

After half term our theme is Celebrations.

I hope you have a lovely holiday.