Reception Looking back and forth week ending 25th June 21

Another week flown by! 

This week we started a new story book called "The Something" which we will base our writing on over the next two weeks. The children have responded so well to the new text and I am looking forward to exciting writing ahead. This week they drew a picture of what they thought might be in the hole.

The National Gallery have a "Take One Picture" initiative and the painting is "Men in the Docks". I have shown the children this painting and we have had a few discussions about it. Each class has been asked to do some piece of art based on this painting. Our class decided on the Skyscrapers in the background. This week we have built the buildings up with boxes and painted them. These will be displayed at the train station at the beginning of the summer holiday. 

We have looked at ordinal numbers in maths this week and tried to use lots of positional language.

The children also drew a picture of themselves to compare to the one they drew at the beginning of the year. This will be on the back cover of their Learning Journey Book which will come home with their reports.

Our walk to St Luke's church was very exciting. We got to walk all the way around the outside of the church. We saw the steps going down to what we thought must be the basement, we had a photo taken under the very old Yew Tree, studied the stainglass windows, discussed in detail all the graves and the memorial and also found the sundial. We then walked back through the graveyard and the children commented on that they didn't realise that there were so many graves. Hopefully they will visit and see the inside of the church next year. On our return we had a look at the sundial at the entrance of the Infant building. We looked at all the mosaic pictures and what they represented. I have reminded the children not to climb on it.

We also continue with our transport theme this term and this week we looked at travel on water. I showed the children a video of a ferry crossing and what a ferry was used for. We also discussed the difference between a ferry and a cruise. We talked about which food products come from abroad and which food is grown in the UK. 

The children wanted you to know that they have enjoyed phonics this week playing beat the teacher and bingo. They love Bob's Rocket Shop and having the aliens they painted up on the walls. We explored the woods again this week and it is pretty overgrown but it is a wonderful place to play in. 

Have a lovely weekend