Reception looking back and forth week ending 26 November 2021

Another lovely week despite the rain and cold. The children are so hardy and getting out in all weathers does not seem to bother them at all.

This week our learning focus was around Thanksgiving. I told them the story of the pilgrims leaving England and sailing on the Mayflower to America. We looked at the world map to plot their route. They heard how the Native Americans helped these people to plant and harvest food in abundance. We made and tasted pumpkin pie on Thursday afternoon. I could not find pumpkin so cheated and used butternut. It was very tasty and some had a few helpings! We also turned the pirate ship into the Mayflower with many sails and the children reenacted the story which they initiated themselves. 

We also started our new literacy focus book called "Star in the Jar" and looked at unfamiliar vocabubulary and wrote a description of the boy in the story. Next week we will build on this and write our own narrative.

In maths we matched objects to number and ordered numbers.

We have also been learning our songs for the nativity. I hope you have the date in your diary - Tuesday 14th December at 9:15am. The children may wear Christmas jumpers and sparkly things for all three performances.

Raffle tickets are still available for our fantastic Reception Hamper! 

This week in the newsletter you will have seen about the CUP-U-LIKE sales. These will be on sale for £1 each.