Reception looking back and forth week ending 3 December 2021

Hello all

This afternoon we put the children on the stage to see how things would work for the nativity. They looked super and we are now looking forward to having you all in to see our nativity. We have put two tickets in each child's bag so please have them ready to bring to our performance on 14th December at 9:15am. Reception class children need to wear something festive on the three nativity concert days (14th,15th and 16th December) but can I suggest nothing too warm as the stage can get quite hot. We estimate the concert to be about 45 minutes.

Christmas Shop- please send money in a named envelope or purse on Tuesday 7th December or Thursday 9th December. A list of the people your child would like to buy a present for is also very useful for us when helping them with their purchases.

 Please send sponsorship money in for the Elf Run which we will do next week during buddy time on Friday.

Christmas Jumper Day Friday 10th December. 

Christmas Dinner day Tuesday 14th December. They may bring in a christmas cracker. 

This week the children writing was based on the story Star in a Jar and they wrote about how they would catch a star. We had some great ideas which included zip wires, rocket ships, ladders and trees.

In Maths we worked on addition. I used words related to addition like: make more, add and how much all together.

The santas they painted are up on display so it feels very Christmassy in the class and the reindeer cards are up too. These will all come home on the last day.

We are very excited to tell you that we now have a climbing wall in the outside area which was installed today. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.