Reception Looking back and forth week ending 9 July 2021

Wow what a fabulous day we have had today! Sports Day was lovely and the children all took part enthusiastically. I hope they have told you all about it? They all got an ice lolly and a medal. We have lots of photos and these will be in their learning journal books which will come home next Friday.

This week we have done some assessments in maths and phonics. I have given out new words in tubs. I will be sending the words home on sheets for you to go over during the holiday. I hope that you can find some time to go over them with your child just to keep them ticking over and not forget all their hard work.

The library has a summer holiday reading challenge. The libraries have the colour band books linked to the reading and if you can take some out over the holidays that would be great. The children have made incredible progress in reading and will enter Year 1 with a lot of confidence so please keep it up over the holiday if you can. 

In music this week we got the xylophones out and this added a new element to our percussion instruments. The children are now so good at keeping the beat. 

On Monday we took a virtual journey to South Africa by plane and then a road trip to Elizabethfontien out twin school. We then talked about the differences and the similarities between the UK and there. I showed them photos of the school and the surrounding mountainous area. 

All the children have now written their extended piece of writing (4 sentences) in the form of a letter to Rebecca the author of The Something. 

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Flint