Reception Thursday 24th October Looking back and forth

Looking back and forth over the week:

Well I can certainly say with pride that I thought the performance was amazing! Thank you for all coming to support. I hope you managed to see your child's robot on display? The week was filled with visits and visiting. They saw the exhibition with their buddies and it is so lovely to see them all bonding so well. We also met the Farrier, Gary, who made two horseshoes while we watched. He had a tiny furness in the back of his van. We are going to put our horseshoes up in our play area outside.

We have continued to do phonics and maths this week.

On Friday 8th November it will be buddy parent get together . This is the first time we have hosted this event but thought it might be a good idea to see who is who earlier on in the year. It will start at 2:15 in the Sunshine Room. Just an informal social occasion  

I hope you all have a good break.