Reception update week ending 14 June 24

Hello all

Our writing was based around the story of "Bob the man on the moon" and I have to say I was pleased with the results. The children followed the story map and tried their best to write simple or more complex sentences. Most children are using the tricky words confidently without having to think about how to spell them or copy them. 

In maths we worked on subtraction and used language of "less than" which not all of them have grasped yet but we will keep going with this. 

I hope that the dads of the class got their Father's Day cards which the children worked very hard to produce.

This week we have learnt about the names of the planets, the order they are in and also a few facts.

Buddy gifts: The children will get a chance to exchange gifts with their buddies in the last week of term. We ask that you spend no more than £15 so that everyone is on an even keel when it comes to presents. 

Have a happy weekend