Reception update week ending 17th February 2023

Hello all

What a lovely half term we have had and I hope you all have a good break.

Our Chinese New Year celebrations went well on Thursday afternoon. The children enjoyed eating fried rice with sweet and sour sauce. They tucked into plenty of Prawn Crackers! We sang a Chinese New Year song and used lots of instruments. Then we tried picking up noodles with chopsticks but this was tricky. Lastly we had the opportunity to do a dragon dance with the large dragon I borrowed from the Knutsford May Day parade. It was fairly heavy but we had a good go.

This week we have completed our line drawings in art and wrote the all important invitations to our grandparents. I hope you found them in their reading folders?

Next half term our theme is Underground. PE remains on a Tuesday and we will be doing dance.

Parents evening bookings come out on Monday 6th March but I will remind you of this.