Reception week ending 11 February
Another jam packed week enjoyed by all.
This week we learnt about the sense of smell. All the children did a smelling activity with Amanda (who volunteers in class on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings). We showed the children "How your nose works" on YouTube - they do enjoy these silly charactures.
In phonics we are moving into Phase 3 at quite a pace and the more sounds I teach them the more they want to learn. In my phonics group we learnt the ow/ou sound - we call them the "ow brothers". We have also learnt ee,th,sh,ch and or over this term.
In maths we did weight and the children were introduced to balance scales. We will do more of this in the coming week.
Mrs Raven has done colour mixing with the children too.
In RE we heard the story of the Blind man who was healed by Jesus. This lead to a discussion on colour blindness.
In Music we are donig a variety of somgs but our main was is the Chinese New Year song which we hope to perform to you this coming week.
We read the Funnybones stories and the children's writing focus this week was to rewrite a bit of the story in speech bubbles.