Reception weekly news week ending 19th April

Hello all and welcome to the Summer Term

This half term our learning is about the UNDERGROUND and this week we have been looking a dinosaurs. The chidlren each chose a dinosaur to write about 3 facts about and we researched together and wrote short bullet points and sentences. They have enjoyed looking through the reference books finding their favourite. The drawings are super too.

In art they drew different patterns with an extra difficult of having to draw around a spiders web shape. That got some thinking!

In maths our focus has been "one more and one less" and also "problem solving with addition and subtraction". Some children are still getting their numbers reversed so we are persevering with this.

In PE the children started with tennis skills using balloons. They learnt the vocabulary of: forearm, racket and rim of racket. It was a lovely session and I look forward to seeing their progess.

In My Happy Mind session this morning we heard the story of Ernie and the birthday tree, The focus was about setting personal goals. The children tried to think of a goal they would try to achieve and some examples are: getting better at their swimming, riding the bike without stabilisers, reading more...

Today in Buddy time half the class were introducted to Beebots (robot bees) and how to program them to move.