Reception weekly update 13th September

Hello all


A good first full day today with great excitment this morning as the two groups joined together. 

This week we have learnt 4 sound - s,a,t,p

Each child has painted a picture of themselves and decorated their name and these are on display in the classroom. 

They are also in the process of painting a rocket which will go on display with a photo of them and their buddy.

As you know we made apple muffins this week. I had not actually tasted one but a few children said today that they had enjoyed theirs. The apples come for the apple tree outside the class and this is our adopted tree for the year. Each class has adopted a tree on the playground. We will take photos of it throught the year and all our information will go towards achieving the green flag award. You might have noticed the flag in the tree outside the main Infant entrance.

On Monday is the welcome meeting in the class at 5pm. I hope to be no longer than 30 minutes but will be around to chat after.

Have a lovely weekend