Reception weekly update week ending 1 December 2023
Hello all
Well this week ended quite chilly but that didn't deter this lot from playing outside. The days have been quite beautiful.
In buddy time today a lot of them played on the frosty field and attempting to build a frostman.
This week we have learnt 4 new sounds: long oo short oo ar or
We have sorted their places on the stage for the nativity performance and they sat beautifully through the first practice. I think you will all be very impressed with their singing.
They are making Christmas cards but I can't say more as that will give the suprise away but there are many steps to their creation.
Lots going on at school as you know so here is a list:
Raffle tickets - send in money anytime in the next two weeks and I will send back the tickets in their bags.
Christmas Shop: Week of 11th December. Your child can buy for anyone in the family so to help me help them please send a list of who they need to buy for. The presents are all wrapped so there will be many suprises on Christmas day.
Nativity: Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th at 9:30am in the village hall
Have a good weekend