Reception weekly update week ending 28/4/23

Weekly update week ending 28th April 2023

This week we have been learning about types of houses - bungalows, flats, detached homes, semi-detached homes and so on. I hope you are getting on well with the homework? Our writing this week as been letters to our parents and we will be posting them when we do our walk through the village in a few weeks’ time. I will be asking for a £1 to cover the cost of a second-class stamp and a treat. In phonics we have completed all of phase 3 and phase 4 learning and we will now revise and build on to get the children secure on the tricky words and sounds. This will give them a good foundation for Year 1. In art they have drawn insects and we have been on several insect hunts in the woods. The children also used the visualiser for a more detailed look. Some of the children helped in the garden on Thursday afternoon weeding and bug hunting too. We are looking forward to the strawberries growing!The children have been on the field at break and lunchtimes and spending spent time with their buddies.In RE this week we looked at other places of worship so we saw a short video of a Synagogue (Jewish), a Mandir temple (Hindu temple) and a Gurdwara (Sikh temple). 
Have a lovely weekend.