Reception weekly update week ending 5th July

Hello all

Our time together in Reception is nearing the end and I am both very excited for the class moving up to Year 1 (as they have matured and grown up so much) but also sad as our journey together nears its end. From years of experience they adjust well and I only get a fleeting wave or smile once they are Year 1 children which means I have done my job well. 

But we have two weeks together and they are busy ones at that.

Reminder of all activities:

Tuesday 9th July - Sports Day - Your child needs a T-Shirt of their house colour. They can wear it to school - not need to change. 

Reserve Sports Day -11th July

Monday 15th - Walk to The Bongs in the village. You should have completed the survey. We will be back for lunch.

Wednesday 17th July. Walk to Bidlea Dairy with the buddies. Packed lunches required or you  have requested school packed lunch. School uniform with walking shoes. They will need £2 for an ice-cream. Please let me know if your child does not like ice-cream and I will buy an ice lolly for them. 

Buddy Gifts: The children will have an opportunity to exchange gifts in the last week possibly on Friday 19th but I need to confirm this with Mrs Timmins.

This coming week the children will go into Year 1 in small groups to work with Mrs Carew. They know the classroom well as they move through it to go to assembly and lunch everyday. They also know Mrs Carew from breaktimes and assemblies. 

Don't forget we need kitchen towel inner rolls for activities in the last week. Or the inners of wrapping paper.

Let's hope this rain stops for Sports Day on Tuesday.