Reception weekly update week ending 7 June 2024

Our theme this term is Journeys and this week we started with the story of "Bob the man on the moon!"

The children have this week prepared a story map which they will then use to recount the story in their own words next week. Their drawings of Bob, aliens and rockets are very sweet.

In maths we are working on addition and trying to count carefully. Some rush the counting and jump over objects or count them twice. 

We went for a walk in the woods on Thursday armed with clipboards and pencils. The children wrote a list of things they found in the woods -including some litter - and we discussed how we can look after our world.

Don't forget to log in the kilometers you are clocking up at home on walks and cycles. I see on the newsletter that we are fast approaching Olympia in Greece. 

Please make sure your child has a water bottle in school each day. 

Have a good weekend.