Reception Friday 8th February Looking back and forth

Friday 8th February 2019 - Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Monday afternoon: Maths and Computing activities across the Infants

Tuesday Morning: Mrs Saxton teaching as I am going to a moderation meeting

Thursday afternoon: This is the last time Mrs Stuart is our TA as she is leaving to work at HCCS. 

Looking Back

Writing: Smells I like and don't like

Maths: Weight

KUW: The sense of smell

Art: Printing

PE: Gymnastics with Premier Sport on Friday morning and Games with Mrs Flint on Thursday.

Reception Children's highlights

Potato printing with Mrs Raven for the art exhibition

Playing with our buddies

Mrs Flint's PE lesson with the bars and benches


Smelling all the smells

Outdoor learning with Nick  -  playing the guessing game (Monday)

Family discussion questions

Can you see signs for Spring in your garden? How many different scales do you have at home and how are they used? 

Looking forward

Sense of sight

Dates of interest:

Friday 29th March is Grandparents' Tea Party


Reading: Reading challenge has been set. The children will get a house point for each day they read at home. Please record your children's reading in their reading record so they don't lose out on their points. We will hand them out on Tuesday afternoon during guided reading sessions.