WB 12.2.18

Ask your children...

what they learned about calculating a percentage of a number last week.

about the persuasive writing we did based on the mural art in the playground.

what they learned about ancient Greek pottery and why it is important to historians.

Unbelievably, it's the last week of the half-term. We will be undertaking a little bit of writing about the ancient Greeks - producing a day-in-the-life diary entry for an ancient Greek child. In maths we will be looking at factors and multiples. In topic work, we will be exploring ancient Greek architecture.

World Book Day Homework: I have asked the children to create a short presentation about their favourite fiction book, to be ready for Monday 26th February. They have a planning sheet to help guide them with what they might talk about. There will be no other English or maths homework given over half-term.

Wider Opps music for next week: Let me entertain you & ChaChaChaCha (copies available in classroom).