wb 6th November 2017 Year 1

Hi All,

We hope you have had a great half term and come back well rested and ready for the next term. Blink and it will be Christmas.(Nativity season!)

The exhibition was a roaring success and we hope you enjoyed looking at your child’s work, as well as the rest of the school. It gives you a real taste of what happens in the juniors, as well as the infants.

Thank you for all your hard work supporting your child with their projects homeworks. As you will have seen it was well worth it!

Please could you let me know (Mrs Cowell) if you read this blog and find it useful, and if there is anything you think we should add onto it to make better.

This week in English, we are starting a new topic on fairy tales. If you have the opportunity to explore fairy stories with your child this would really support their learning and understanding, as well as being a lot of fun.

You could:

  • Look at how fairy stories always seem to begin (once upon a time)
  • Look at how they end (they all lived happily ever after)
  • Are there any common themes that you and your child notice (goodies and baddies, animals that talk, wicked stepmothers, brave princes, castles, spooky woods and of course magic!)

Good Questions to ask..

  • Can you think of words to describe the main character?
  • Can you think of what will happen next?
  • What would you do if you were the main character?
  • Is there anything that puzzles you?
  • Did it remind you of anything else you have seen or read?                                                                                                                                       In Phonics we will be revising the Phase 3 sounds as well as focusing writing with the sounds ng and oi.

In maths, we will be working on addition and subtraction. Ask your child if they can tell you the friends of ten?

If not - They're Friends of Ten - Music Video - YouTube


It is a bit Bonkers! But a lot of fun and very memorable!

In the afternoon we will be starting our new history topic of Toys and Games.


Pupils finish Thursday 26th and return Monday 6th.


Friday 10th November Film Night

Friday 17th Bag to School

Tuesday 21st and Thursday 23rd Parent Evenings

Friday 24th November Y5 Cake Sale

Reading Challenge – 14 days consecutive days reading in the reading record, 5 housepoints and a medal.

PE kits needed this week with names on the labels (don’t forget to check the pumps still fit!).

If you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Year 1 team