we 24th March Year 4

It feels like summer has arrived!  We had a lovely time on Friday afternoon playing Hi-5 in glorious sunshine - one does wonder how long it will last?  The children have enjoyed our chronological history unit on explorers which we will finish next week and I was absolutely delighted with the homework the children produced to complete this topic. We will be sharing the children's work on Tuesday afternoon - I can't wait to have a proper look at it.  Most of our money purses are now finished too - a really big THANK YOU to everyone who has helped with this - a mammoth session of threading and tying knots for me if I had been on my own so I very much appreciate the help.  We'll be making chairs in the second half of the summer term ...

Almost Easter - the children have worked very hard again this half term so they deserve a break.

Enjoy te final week of our Spring term!

Mrs Cooper