we 2nd March Year 4
One week gone, less than four to go! Nearly Easter already although it certainly doesn't feel like it, does it?
World Book Day was a triumph this year with some amazing costumes. We've also enjoyed dance with Mr Wilkes (and with me), I wore the children out with some country dancing this afternoon - ask them to show you if you fancy a good workout! We've looked at fairy tales and fractions and a whole heap of other things - half term seems like a long time ago.
Next week, we will continue to write fairy stories - but not as you know them - and we're looking at factors and division. We'll being our money purses - I will let the children know when we are doing these then if any adults would like to come and help, they would be very welcome.
Hopefully it will be a bit warmer next week and we will be able to get outside on Friday afternoon for a PE session.
Have a good weekend!
Mrs Cooper